Curriculum vitae

Eberhart Joséphine

Post-doctorant INRAE
Bureau : B602bis

Dernières publications


Eberhart J., Comer C., Moya Duran S., Paul M., Fortané N. (2024), The European Veterinary Profession and the Challenges of Reducing Antimicrobial Use in Livestock Farming. Lessons from a Mixed?Methods Study, EuroChoices, vol. 23, n°2, p. 29-36

Moya S., Coviglio A., Belloc C., Comer C., Eberhart J., Fortané N., Paul M. (2024), A qualitative analysis of the unwritten rules influencing antibiotic prescribing practices among French poultry veterinarians, JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance, vol. 6, n°2

Moya S., Hibbard R., Asenjo G., Skjølstrup N., Chan K., Eberhart J., Fortané N., Paul M. (2024), Capturing the complexity of veterinarians’ antibiotic prescribing practices in the livestock sector: a meta-ethnography across contexts, JAC-Antimicrobial Resistance, vol. 6, n°6

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