Curriculum vitae

Boulin Jean-Yves

Chercheur associé


Sociologist in the field of work and employment, as well as in the field of time seen in its different social dimensions.  Also involved  in the field of industrial relations. I have been involved, since 1980, in much research in the field of time issues at the national and international levels and their impact on labour organization, on working conditions and on the work/life balance for individuals. My main activity has been comparative analysis of regulations of working time (among others, in a life course perspective) ;researches on the implementation of new working-time patterns at the firm level ; impact of new working-time patterns on working conditions, work/life balance and on time uses of households and individuals. Another field of research has been during the last 20 years, Local Time Policies and Social Organization of Time. As such, I have been scientific director of a Prospective DATAR’s (Délégation à l’Aménagement du Territoire et à l’Action Régionale) seminar on ‘Time and Territories’ from 2000 to 2003.  I have been, and I am still, involved in several international networks: International Seminar on Working Time (ISWT), European network on territory excellence (EUREXCTER), which deals, among other issues, with policies on time in the cities, and International Association in Time Use Research (IATUR) and member of editorial committees of  several journals :Futuribles, in France, METIS (on line journal on social policies in EU) and Transfer (journal of the ETUI, European Trade Union Institute), Temporalités (on line journal on time issues). 

I have completed several reports for the European Foundation (Dublin) on time issues (working time arrangements, flexibility, time policies) and have been involved in several working groups dealing with surveys methodologies in EU (Eurobarometer ;  Eurofound : Working conditions survey, Company time survey : participation to research work for the Foundation from 1981 until a workshop in 2009) and in France (Surveys on working time preferences, surveys on the impact of working time reduction on working and living conditions as well as on work/life balance).

I have also participated to many conferences, national or international, at the invitations of European institutions (European commission, EuroFound), or at the invitation of research institutions (Hans Böckler Stifftung; LSE; ETUI ; Universities etc.) as well as local authorities (many conferences on time policies) or unions.







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